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Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment in Auckland

What is Invisalign?

Your Invisalign treat­ment at Westgate Dental in Auckland will con­sist of a series of clear align­ers that you switch out about every two weeks.


Each aligner is indi­vid­u­ally man­u­fac­tured with exact cal­cu­la­tions to grad­u­ally shift your teeth into place. And since your Invisalign sys­tem is custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised by you and your den­tist or ortho­don­tist, you know you’ll end up with a smile that truly fits. 

We also offer per­son­al­ized treat­ment plans. If you are ready for a smile that trans­forms your appear­ance, Invisalign is your answer. 


Why Invisalign?

Although there are many choices out there, no other works as effort­lessly as the Invisalign sys­tem. Invisalign is the best way to trans­form your smile with­out inter­fer­ing with your day-to-day life. Invisalign aligners are clear and almost invisible on your teeth. They are also much more comfortable to wear than regular braces.


To check out more the ben­e­fits please click here.


Westgate Dental Centre offers Invisalign treatment with FREE initial consultation. Make an appointment today to see if you qualify. Phone 09 8322998

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